Australian slangs are popular worldwide and found to be unique among others. Use of slang in general communication is common among Australian society. Slang is a term used to represent word or phrases used in speaking which is considered informal and can be offensive to hear if the listener isn’t from the community not speaking particular slang. Use of slang is very common in a speech in Australia.
If you are an international student, a visitor to Australia or anyone visiting the Australian land it’s always smart to learn and know some common Australian slangs so that you won’t get lost when you hear these around.
This blog post contains the most common Aussie slang. This list is compiled from different sources and is meant for educational purposes only. Full source can be found at the bottom of the article.
List of common Australian Slangs
a cold one | beer |
arvo | afternoon |
avo | avocado |
balls up | messed |
bananas | angry and angry |
barbie | Barbecue |
bash | party |
betcha | I bet |
biccy | biscuit |
bloody | very |
bogan | very traditional |
boozer | a pub |
bottle-o | liquor shop |
brekky | breakfast |
bush | hills/ beyond the city |
bushwalking | walking among the bushes |
BYO | bring your own |
cabbie | cab driver |
chewie | chewing gum |
chippie | carpenter |
chokkie | chocolate |
chook | chicken |
chrissie | Christmas |
coldie | beer |
defo | definitely |
dinkum | real |
docket | bill/ receipt |
dunny | toilet |
durry | cigarette |
facey | |
fella | male, person |
footy | Australian football |
G’day | Good day, hello |
good on ya | good work |
have a cuppa | have a cup of tea/coffee |
heaps | a lot, many |
knickers | female underwear |
lippie | lipstick |
lollies | sweets |
maccas | McDonald’s |
mate | friend |
no drama | no problem |
no worries | no problem |
op shop | second-hand store |
oz | Australia |
pash | to kiss |
piss off | go away |
pissed | drunk |
pot hole | hole in the road |
reckon | for sure |
rego | vehicle registration |
right | right on |
runners | trainers, sneakers |
servo | gas station |
sheila | woman |
sick | awesome |
sickie | day off of sick |
smoko | cigarette break |
straya | Australia |
stuffed | tired |
sunnies | sunglasses |
take a leak | visit toilet |
tea | dinner |
thongs | flip flops/ sandals |
true blue | true Australian |
uni | university |
Ya | You |
This list will be further updated in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions about Australian Slang
Why do Aussies use slang?
Australians use a lot of slangs as they are socially grown in hearing and speaking slang. Primarily to be quick and save time!What do Aussies call their friends?
How do you say friend in Australian slang?
Although there are different words for friend in Australian slang, some common are:
mate, bloke, bogan etc
Why do Aussies say ta?
Ta is used to say Thank you or thanks a lotHow do you say goodbye in Australian slang?
Catch you later
See ya
See you later
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