Hello Kumudini,
It might take several business days for your subject request to be processed.
when did you sumitted the request? Have you checked your email/ junk/ spam?
- Making a Subject Request
- if your subject/ course isn’t listed or you couldn’t find during the application process, you need to make a subject request
- while making a subject request, you can provide as much details and information about your course, education provider and subjects this may include your course’s link from university’s website, links and contact details containing location and information about your course and university
- this will help the MOE officials to process your subject request when they have adequate information available.
- it may take up to few business days for the subject request to be approved
- you will get notified by email regarding the outcome of your subject request
- you need to continue applying for NOC once your subject request has been accepted
Hope your request will be processed soon.
best wishes
Lakshman Basnet Selected answer as best August 6, 2023