Ctevt is offering short duration course like: plumber and electrician here in Nepal. Will these courses will be helpful for me to get job at australia?
Lakshman Basnet Selected answer as best February 3, 2023
This is hard to answer but would totally depend on the individual. I feel like Barista, hospitality training might be helpful in finding jobs quicker than such trade courses. Please check these links so you can have insights into what is required for these roles:
- Plumber: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/role/plumber
- Electrician: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/role/electrician
- Barista: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/role/barista
- Bartender: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/role/bartender
- Uber Eats: https://www.uber.com/au/en/e/deliver/adelaide-sa-au/
cheers š
Lakshman Basnet Edited answer January 29, 2023